I'm teaching the New Testament this year. Last week I was reading Matthew 18 where it talks about becoming as a little child. I read verse 5 that says, "And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me." I thought about how we need to teach, help, and bless little children and was ready to read on when I wondered about the word "receive." What does it mean to "receive" little children? How do we receive them? It occurred to me that one way we receive them is when we welcome them into our families. And I thought about my children who are now young parents and are in the middle of the challenges of raising young families. Thanks for receiving these precious children into your families. Thanks for loving them and teaching them. The Savior said when you receive them you receive Him. This adds new meaning to the verse "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these ... ye have done it unto me" (Matt 25:40). Love, Dad
Today in Relief Society the Joseph Smith lesson 'A Heart Full of Love and Faith: The Prophet's Letters to His Family was taught. I was touched by his words of love and devotion he had towards his family. I was thinking how we know that we love one another but do we truly express it to one another. Yes, we call often and say "I love you" but do you really know that I pray for each one of you daily. That your success in the world and in the gospel and for your safety and my grandchildren are always in my prayers. I name each of you by name including my grandchildren. I pray that my children are teaching my grandchildren about the gospel of Jesus Christ. That you are teaching them who God the Father is and that He answers prayers. That Jesus Christ is their Redeemer. I pray that you are doing all you can in your church callings. I pray for your safety in your jobs, that you will be good mothers and fathers, you do well in your schooling. I pray that evil men and women will be kept away from my children and grandchildren that you will not be harmed by them. I pray that you are serving where you see a need. I worry about each one of you. My prayers have been heard by a loving Heavenly Father because so far each of you seem to be doing all that I ask for in my prayers. I am grateful for each one of you. I appreciate who you are and the things you are doing in the world and in the church. You give my heart great joy when I think of the good that all of you are doing. Please know that I know that Heavenly Father lives! He knows me and He knows each one of you by name. I know that Jesus is the Christ. I know that he did atone for my sins. That by Him and only Him can I return to be with My Father in Heaven. This is a first of a "Love Letter" to each of you.
On Saturday the 18th of October the Bosted Granddaughters went to the Pumpkin Patch with Gamma May at the Hatch Farm. Grandpa Hatch had planted a pumpkin patch as big as can be with some of the biggest pumpkins I have seen in a long time. We got to ride on the trailer with hay bales and Grandpa Hatch pulled it with his oldtractor. I think they have had it since they started farming 40 years ago. Anyway we had a delightful time picking out pumpkins and riding out to the patch on Hatch property. Happy Halloween everyone:)!! I hope everyone gets their packages that I sent out this past Saturday. Please let me know when they arrive.
All on an early afternoon in October we went to the Pumpkin Patch and had such a good time.
I keep checking Susan's and Matthew's blog to see if they have done any updating and I wish they would. Then I realized I haven't done any on my own. And the only comments I get is from some crazy lotto that I don't even play or like. So what is that with the comments. It is now October and school has been going on for a month and a half. We have two school days off this month and one half day of school. I think it is so crazy that they give us all these piddly days off. Why not do all of the teacher days off for what ever at the beginning of the school year and let us go to school with out interruption so that we can get out earlier in the spring. It would be so nice if they would do that. Last Friday was a no school day so I got to go to Seattle with Dad. He had some meeting in Seattle and so we left Thursday evening and went to Seattle. He had some bishop thing to do so we got out of town late. But we stopped at the little girls in Yakima and Nom fed us dinner, pizza, she makes great pizza and we were stuffed. We then stopped in Ellensburg at the Grovers to drop something off for someone and then on to Seattle. We stayed in the University district. I had gotten us a 31/2 star hotel for $64.00 on priceline.com it was a nice hotel. The next day I was suppose to go to the institute to sew because I have some quilts that need to get done. I instead to the advantage of having no husband with me and went to IKEA. I spent 2 and half hours just wandering through the store. I did not hear once, "are you done looking", "have you seen everything you want to see", or my personal favorite, "do you really need that?". I loved every moment of just wandering around at my own pace. I finally got back to the institute and went to this Mexican restaurant for lunch and then met up with Russ there. Hope everyone is doing well. Love, Mom