Sunday, October 12, 2008

So, slow at blogging

I keep checking Susan's and Matthew's blog to see if they have done any updating and I wish they would. Then I realized I haven't done any on my own. And the only comments I get is from some crazy lotto that I don't even play or like. So what is that with the comments. It is now October and school has been going on for a month and a half. We have two school days off this month and one half day of school. I think it is so crazy that they give us all these piddly days off. Why not do all of the teacher days off for what ever at the beginning of the school year and let us go to school with out interruption so that we can get out earlier in the spring. It would be so nice if they would do that. Last Friday was a no school day so I got to go to Seattle with Dad. He had some meeting in Seattle and so we left Thursday evening and went to Seattle. He had some bishop thing to do so we got out of town late. But we stopped at the little girls in Yakima and Nom fed us dinner, pizza, she makes great pizza and we were stuffed. We then stopped in Ellensburg at the Grovers to drop something off for someone and then on to Seattle. We stayed in the University district. I had gotten us a 31/2 star hotel for $64.00 on it was a nice hotel. The next day I was suppose to go to the institute to sew because I have some quilts that need to get done. I instead to the advantage of having no husband with me and went to IKEA. I spent 2 and half hours just wandering through the store. I did not hear once, "are you done looking", "have you seen everything you want to see", or my personal favorite, "do you really need that?". I loved every moment of just wandering around at my own pace. I finally got back to the institute and went to this Mexican restaurant for lunch and then met up with Russ there. Hope everyone is doing well. Love, Mom

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